
Horoscope I, Horscope II (2022)

interactive sculpture, Interactive sculpture / Aluminium, tree parts, plastic, steel / BCI, Yaskawa robot, paper, pen / Variable sizes


The interactive installation is designed to run workshops. Based on nine theses, the user builds his own sculpture, bending its building blocks according to his agreement or disagreement with the thesis posed to them. Thus, if they agree with the thesis, they tilt the rod to which the thesis belongs to the corresponding angle, and if they disagree with the thesis, they tilt the rod to the opposite angle. With the neutral position, the decision is made with the non-tilted position. The result is a horoscope-like shape which visualises the individual's opinion.

In collaboration with Katapult Robotika - the center for art and technology research this model was later transfered into another medium - Brain Computer Interface which provided directory to a robotic hand, which drew lines to create user’s opinion.